Dadlympics Friday Update

Heyooo Dadlympians! It's been a little while since the last update! So here's what's been worked on the last couple of weeks.

First update
: After suggestions from everyone trying the demo, they were quite sad that the windows couldnt be broken on Moving out, so I fixed that so you can now break the windows! 

Second update: A new player model has been added, I'd like to call him Lanky Lenny, he's a lot thinner so he moves a bit faster than the regular old Belly Bob.

Third update: New gamemode has been made! It was originally called "Leaf blower" but seeing as networked leaf physics was going to be a nightmare, I reworked it so you leafblow, or blow, tumble weeds in the desert (To get some variation in landscape hehe)

Fourth Update
: New map for the moving out gamemode has been made (Still needs some finetuning and playtested) but it's going to be on rooftops to create some EXCITEMENT in not falling down, or getting knocked down 👀

Fifth update
: I've reworked the round over screen and voting so it looks like this: 

Other than that I've been finetuning some network code, some bug fixes and UI changes!

Until next update, 


Dadlympics_Demo 334 MB
Jul 23, 2024

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